Releases 🔽

Learn more about the tool by browsing all the new implementations made on e-thermo.


► December 19, 2024: e-thermo 4.5

Customized compound analysis

In e-thermo 4.5, a new feature to make your compound analysis more flexible had been added: a ± 5 range. When ticked, this range allows you to automatically explore variations around your initial values, simplifying the consideration of uncertainties and speeding up comparisons between different data sources. In short, it saves you time while improving the accuracy and reliability of your decisions.

For those who prefer to work with fixed, precise values, unchecking this option guarantees analysis focused on strictly defined data. This approach is ideal for projects requiring specific calculations or scenarios where stability of initial values is essential. By deactivating this option, you retain absolute control over your analyses, while simplifying their interpretation.

Data banks and projects advanced search

You can now select precisely which active sources to include in your search, thanks to a clear, simplified interface. Filter your databases and projects or search directly by name: everything is designed to save you time and ensure optimized navigation in e-thermo 4.5. This feature helps you search for data, targeting only those most relevant to your needs.

Confidential icon

Users can now easily mark confidential data by adding a “confidential” icon next to it. Asked by our users, this visual marking reinforces vigilance within teams, and ensures that sensitive data is treated with the appropriate level of confidentiality, in line with existing security requirements.

► October 1, 2024: e-thermo 4.4

Data not found? Let Processium measure it

It is now possible for e-thermo users to directly contact Processium’s lab to fill any gap in their database. Your request will be quickly taken into consideration so that your project is not lacking any central data.

Molecular structure representation

e-thermo now features a better graphical representation of molecular structures for all available compounds This new addition enhances the visual appeal of the platform and provides users with a more intuitive way to explore and analyze chemical information, making the platform more user-friendly.

Data insertion

The e-thermo 4.4 version introduces a highly anticipated feature that allows users to input qualitative data in numerical properties. This enhancement, requested directly by the users, significantly improves the clarity and flexibility of the data insertion process. Users can now easily indicate specific conditions without being restricted to entering numeric values. This change not only makes it easier to highlight uncertainties but also speeds up workflows by enabling the use of familiar shorthand notations used in some publications such as “RT” for Room Temperature. By accommodating this need, e-thermo 4.4 empowers users to organize and present their data in a more intuitive and efficient manner, eliminating unnecessary constraints and enhancing overall usability.

► November 11, 2023: e-thermo 4.3 x DETHERM®

Posting comments

You can now publish a comment within your projects, your research, your comparisons… And follow the thread of discussions in real time with all your collaborators.

Access to Detherm

It is now possible for e-thermo users to extend their searches to the Detherm database thanks to the addition of a specific link. Find all the physical properties available on Detherm and import the most useful for your projects into e-thermo!

Binary matrix has been enhanced

Add a project scope: you can use your binary matrix to 1st search for your project data among all databanks, then use it a synthesis for your project. To save time, you can now add a compound directly from the project home page and the binary matrix. In version 4.3 you can now define pressure or temperature parameters for your matrix. Finally, you can now export your entire binary matrix to Excel for full exploitation.

Improved use of e-thermo

In order to meet our users’ expectations, several major improvements have also been made. These include:

  • the ability to share your project with users of a database
  • when a project is created, a hidden database is created, guaranteeing all project users access to this data
  • DIPPR database update (adding 24 new chemicals and 39 chemicals undergoing systematic review and matrix study)
  • almost 10,000 hazard phrases have been added to the standard database

► March 1, 2023: e-thermo 4.2: a brand new project interface

A new project interface

The project homepage helps you to quickly find all the compounds that have been added to it.

The new binary matrix uses your project’s compounds and displays all the data available in the database for each binary. You also can filter by data type (e.g. VLE, LLE…).

Clicking on one of the cells will launch the search for that binary, and you can then refine the search according to your needs. Then, you can add the binaries of your choice to your project so that they appear in the mixtures section. By returning to the Binary matrix tab and checking the “Show mixtures project data only” option, you will only see the binary matrix of the data you just selected.

Improved use of e-thermo

In order to meet our users’ expectations, several major improvements have also been made. These include:

  • Compound analysis is now integrated into project view
  • The ability to save your searches and comparisons in a project

► November 15 2022: e-thermo 4.0 x Aspen+

Interface with ASPEN

You can now export e-thermo data to Aspen in just one click ! Export en entire dataset, a simple value, a correlation or even your project’s favorite compound properties !

To import in ASPEN, open an existing simulation anc click on « Import » then click on « File ».

Change the file filter to select IKC.

A button to launch e-thermo from Aspen will soon be available.

Over 40 enhancements have also been made:

  • the insertion templates addition for model parameters (NRTL, NRTL-HOC, NRTL-RK…)
  • the display of compounds i and j for model parameters
  • the pre-insertion of DIPPR equations in correlations for 15 properties…

► June 28, 2022: e-thermo 3.2.5

A new search bar

This new version focused on the search bar speed improvement, turning it more intuitive and powerfull. You can now easily ads several compounds when looking for mixtures.

You can also specify the property to be searched for a mixture or a pure body.

Improved use of e-thermo

In order to meet our users’ expectations, several major improvements have also been made. These include:

  • The impovement of formula display
  • An option to invert the X/Y axes of a graph has been added.
  • Numerous additions to database references…

► April 4, 2022: e-thermo 3.2.4 is now available in two languages

Languages of use

You can now choose between French and English on e-thermo main page or via My account.

► March 11, 2022: e-thermo 3.2.3

Data history access

Each data is on e-thermo with a complete traceability. You can now see when, why and by whom any data has been modified via the “Show History” menu.

Savee your preferences

Most view settings (sorting, pagination, filters, etc.) are now saved and linked to your profile. Furthermore, you can choose to keep your tabs by activating the following option in your account settings:

Improved use of e-thermo

In order to meet our users’ expectations, several major improvements have also been made. These include:

  • the ability to connect via your e-mail address
  • the ability to add a file to the support contact form
  • the addition of a data comparison tool directly from the review view
  • the display of safety pictograms in the compound view.

► January 12, 2022: e-thermo 3.2.2 and statistics of use

Statistics of use

This new e-thermo version brings a new feature for adminitrators only: the statistics of use.

Improved use of e-thermo

In order to meet our users’ expectations, several major improvements have also been made. These include:

  • the ability to save open tabs from one session to another
  • the pre-calculation of correlations to make them accessible in search results
  • the display of other references’ figures available in search results
  • the ability to launch a mixture search from the project view
  • the simplified management of databases insertion…

► November 29, 2021 : e-thermo 3.2.1

“Compound Analysis” improvement

You can now choose the project you want to use as a basis for Compound Analysis, so you can quickly change your set of compounds and easily share it with all your teams using the “Share” function.

“Compound Analysis” interface simplification 

When you click on the legend or on a curve point, the datapoint is selected and its main information appears on the right of the graph.

At the same time, hovering over the points on the graph provides a reminder of the operating parameters.

► October 22, 2021: e-thermo 3.2.0, going further into compound analysis

To simplify data access, this table gives you your favorite compounds and properties at a glance. We can now directly pre-configure “Compound Analysis” with your compounds of interest for all your users!

What they say about us

E-thermo knows how to put the emphasis back on data.


It's a tool that enables us to capitalize on all our data, particularly those generated by Processium.


A shared database is a crucial time saver for companies in the digital age.


We did not have such advanced tool with colored trust indicator [that is why we bought it].


Its huge advantage is its customer focus: ADISEEO specific products are all represented via the company's special access.


E-thermo knows how to put the emphasis back on data.


It's a tool that enables us to capitalize on all our data, particularly those generated by Processium.


A shared database is a crucial time saver for companies in the digital age.


We did not have such advanced tool with colored trust indicator [that is why we bought it].


Its huge advantage is its customer focus: ADISEEO specific products are all represented via the company's special access.


E-thermo knows how to put the emphasis back on data.


It's a tool that enables us to capitalize on all our data, particularly those generated by Processium.


A shared database is a crucial time saver for companies in the digital age.


We did not have such advanced tool with colored trust indicator [that is why we bought it].


Its huge advantage is its customer focus: ADISEEO specific products are all represented via the company's special access.


E-thermo knows how to put the emphasis back on data.


It's a tool that enables us to capitalize on all our data, particularly those generated by Processium.


A shared database is a crucial time saver for companies in the digital age.


We did not have such advanced tool with colored trust indicator [that is why we bought it].


Its huge advantage is its customer focus: ADISEEO specific products are all represented via the company's special access.


Solution approved by small and large companies

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